Budget planner software or budget planning online serves two purposes. The first is to get out of possible financial problems. Those who have over extended themselves and need help from credit counseling and mediation firms fall in the extreme of this category. Losing one income, medical emergencies are other examples when budget planning becomes important in your life.
The other purpose for planning your budget is to reach a goal. It could a simple one like a major purchase from a refrigerator, to a car or a home. Or it could be an upcoming major anniversary, an education fund or retirement. As you begin your research, remember that these are software programs incapable to have human discipline, desires and shortcomings. You still have to prioritize what is important in your life and exercise the discipline required to stay with your priorities.
The real budget planner is you. Understating your weaknesses and strengths and working with them has more impact on your budget than understanding the budgeting software.