by Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill began his writing career as a “mountain reporter” at 13 while working for local newspapers in West County, Virginia. Think and Grow Rich and The Law Of Success, two of the world’s best-selling self-help books, were written by this author. Hill laid the groundwork for today’s self-help literature.
As the title suggests, Think and Grow Rich focuses on the link between thoughts and accomplishment.
People interested in the appearance of money will not benefit from this course.
Despite its antiquity, I found the lessons it imparted relevant to my current situation. The following are some of my favorites: As long as you don’t have any doubts about the efficacy of your business plan, you can’t expect to amass great wealth. Build a desire till it becomes an obsession to become like the world’s most outstanding achievers. Creating a product or service that can be offered to a big audience is the key to achieving financial success. Success and failure are often separated by persistence. An effort is required to overcome this mental state.